Tuesday, January 02, 2007

new ears resoluation

Merry New Ye-ah!

Apologies for being gone so long. I shall resolve to post again more frequently this new year.

As I start thinking about all the resolutions I want to pursue this year, I am reminded that resolving to be a Ghandi or Mother Teresa like figure tomorrow is DOA.

No body (including me) is going to quit their live fora sanctified one cold turkey. Too much physical memory to can all at once. Too much pressure to be perfect.

I started out this blog with some poetry. The last line reminds us, "...and in small measures, life may perfect be."

The key is not to make sweeping resolutions to be better one time a year, but to make repeated, small commitments all year round.

As you resolve yourself, think about making it your intent to make a weekly resolution. If you fail, the next week offers a fresh chance at renewal and new success.

Benjamin Franklin, a rather productive fellow, organized his life around weekly cycles. Each week he would focus on one of his values to live by and emobdy.

What will be your focus this week?

Jer, uh...ME's focus this week: Organizing my clutter in office and home.



At 1:21 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Jeremy, I hear you on this one! This week continues the New Year's Purge. By Monday I hope to have this whole house clean top to bottom! That way we can start the New Year fresh and uncluttered :-)

At 1:30 PM, Blogger jer,uh...ME! said...

Don't forget to whistle while you work. Or occasionally jump on Erik and stick your tongue in his ear.

Guys really love that stuff.

Honest. ;?p


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